Ultimate-BCStechBD Soft Product

Bulk SMS Gateway Server

  1. Bulk SMS (Corporate/Group/Single) Gateway Server and Service. Send free SMS!
  2. Bulk SMS Gateway (Low Cost & Non-Branding). Try Low Cost SMS Demo
  3. Bulk SMS (White label/Affiliate/Re-seller) Gateway Server and Service. Affiliate SMS Panel

Domain Registration and Web Hosting

Corporate and Industry level Software Solution- Implementation and Consultancy

  1. CHARKA- Oracle ERP Solution Development and Implementation. Oracle ERP- CHARKA
  2. MFIMonitor- Oracle based Micro Finance ERP Solution for PKSF NGOs- Supply, Installation and Implementation. Oracle MFI Monitor- MFIMonitor

Small Office Software Solution- Supply, Installation, Implementation and Consultancy

Outsourcing and Freelancing Jobs for Local & Foreign Clients- Sourcing, Design-Development, Installation, Implementation, Maintenance and Consultancy

Open Source Solution- Implementation and Consultancy

e-Commerce Web Store/Portal

  1. A2Z Online- Shopping Mall and Web Store. হাসি-খুশি-আনন্দ, কেনাকাটার মজা অনলাইনে'ই- যখন, যেথায় link
  2. আমার যা চাই, তা আমি এক্ষুনি চাই...চট জলদি ডেলিভারী, অর্ডার করুন এক্ষুনি ekhoni.com
  3. Security Software for PC, MAC, Mobile and PDA devices Free Virus Cleaner and Security